Friday, May 12, 2006

Biking Hokkaido

So, there is a holiday in Japan called Golden Week. Basically, there is three holidays right in a row (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) and basically, everyone just takes the whole week off. Well, for Golden Week, Two friends and I um..creat a Bike club, yah, a club...not a gang...really...and then we traveled around Hokkaido Island for 3 days. It would have been nice to go for longer, but, Nori had some things he had to take care of. In anycase, 3 days was more then long enough. We went all over the place! It was really fun. I have diven motorcycles for a while now, but that was the first time to go for so long with more then one other person. It was really a neat experience. There really is quite the feeling of freedom. Being able to go where ever you want whenever you want. It is much much different then driving a car.

So, we drove about 8 hours a day or more and drove a total of about 1100km. So, that's about 690 miles. We went to 5 different cities and went to a Natural Herritage called Shiretoko. There, we saw all sorts of different animals including Dear, and Bears! oh my!

I can't wait untill our next trip. Next we plan to go to Otaru (Just a one day trip). Or reason for going there is just to eat ice cream! YAY!!! Then we plan to go to Hakodate (Two to three day trip). Should be fun, there we can eat more live squid if we want to. :p.


Firs, one of the coolest dogs ever!! I saw him on the side of the road and had to take a picture. He is what is called a Akita-ken. Way cool. I saw one like him once in Fukuoka, but the one in Fukuoka was Black and white! Looked just like a white tiger!!...but....he was a dog.. I WANT ONE!!!

Ok, so, at the beginning of the trip, you can tell we were in really good spirits ;). We usually ate lunch at convience stores and then would go to really nice or famous restraunts for dinner. It was great!

So, the whole trip we just had AWSOME scenery that looked like this!! This is still on the first day of the trip on our way to Obihiro to eat Butadon!! (Like a bowl of bbq meat and rice).

Then, after Obihiro we went to Kushiro, a city on the ocean, with famous, we ate sushi!!! Not only that, but we at Whale!!!! It was actually pritty good, but the flavor wasn't very strong..It actually didn't taste like fish or look like fish at all. It was more like beef if anything.

This is Day two, on the way to Shiretoko from Kushiro. We saw this lake that was really big and surround the road on both sides and had to take some pictures..and well as play around some..hehe.

This is at Shiretoko, basically the other side of Hokkaido from Kushiro. Sugimoto-kun, is one of the people that came with us on the trip. He actually didn't have a motorcycle...but..ehh, we didn't mention that too him. Besides, it was fast (it would get up to 80) and it had a if me or Nori got cold, we would just ride his scooter..err.I mean motorcycle.

More pics of Shiretoko. This is actually looking back in the direction we came from.

This shot is just awsome!! This road rocked too! You have no clue how cool the feeling was to drive along this road for a while...the veiw was unbeleivable!! Oh, yah, that's Nori. He's Also got a 400cc bike, just like me, but his is a 2 stroke.

Nori, Sugimoto-kun, Me, and Shiretoko!!! YAY!!

I crystal clear lake in Shiretoko, this would have been a better picture but a bunch of ducks lander in the water as I was taking the picture..ah well..I wish I had my shotgun!

While returning to Sapporo, we drove by this moutain! How cool is that??! I like how the snow just dissapears at certain point. There is a really clear line there. Also, all of the rice feilds in fron't give it great prespective.

This is all three of us at a place called Sounkyou. It was a huge cannyon in the middle of Hokkaido. The road was great beacause it was in the bottom of the cannyon and the whole time you had these HUGE towering rocks on all sides of you! Anyways, at Sounkyou we stopped and got in an outside hot springs. It was great!

Ok, well that's it for now...It was a great trip...oh yah, the other two place we stopped at was Kitami (where we ate at a Yaki-Niku yasan .....yah, basically Japanese style BBQ restraunt.) and then also stopped at Asahikawa and had some DAMN good Ramen!!

Ok, love yuh all, leave some comments!!


At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! sounds like a fantabulous trip. fun and BEAUTIFUL. Thanks for sharing the joy.

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Nobodyhearsyou said...

Hello, Thanks for the comments. And yes dad, most of thoes pictures are pictures of my Motorcycle. It is a 1990 Honda CB1 400 CC 4 stroke. It is perfect for Japan. It`s fast, fuel effencient and has really good exceleration. On top of that, its red-line is 18000 which means it ALWAYS runs at high RPMs and sound awsome doing so. Just like a Ferrari.

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are just totally awesome pics, Nick and thanks so much for the special greeting on Mother's Day!!!!!

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nick-- This is Uj-- hisashiburiburi!!!! I love your photos!!! Have you done anymore travelling recently? Mada Hokkaido ni iru? Soretomo Fukuoka? or back to Alaska?
Talk to you soon.
U can contact me @


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