Saturday, March 11, 2006

Other People's Blogs!

Well, my friend Chung whom I am traveling with also has a Blog and I decided I should link his blog in case somebody might want to look at some of his pictures as well. He might have some different pictures then me so it could be worth checking out. I will also add other blogs and interesting sights when I can. You can find the links to the right side of the page under links.

Chung - My friend who I traveled with around Japan. (Chinese)
Chie - A good blog on Different aspects of Japan and Alaska. (Japanese)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

In the beginning

Ok, well, its only a couple of days into my vacation and I have already taken over 200 pictures (prolly over 300), Anyways, right now, I am sitting on the tatami mats (soft bamboo mats) in my cool Japanese style room typing on my friends laptop using the AWSOME WIRELESS LAN...(yah....over 2 mbs a sec). How cool is that? This Hostell is REALLY nice....and the food is AWSOME! Ok, ok, enough about the hostel.

Lately, I have gone to many different amazing places. I have visited quite a few temples, shrines, and samurai houses!! YAY!! I really like Japans countryside. Very beautifull. There are a lot of tambo (rice fields) everywhere! While staying in Toyama, I was showed around by Chie's brother who is a very very awsome person. I am quite jelous of Chie to have such a wonderfull brother. Anyways, he took us to many awsome places with some great views, introduced us to his awsome friends and even made food for us (which was REALLY good home made food). We also stayed at a place called Mamiana. What a wonderfull house! It is a VERY old Japanese style house. It was a litte cold for March, but was still a wonderfull experience to be able to stay in such a house. I really reminded me of Spirited Away, by Miyazaki Hayou. It was an old umm...polititions house I do beleive. But it was also used as a type of bed and breakfast or hotell even. There are enough open rooms....(which are HUGE, bigger then our garage) to hold about 20-30 people I think. It was very very neat! Also, this house was in the countryside and most of the food was grown, or made by the people who live there so it was all very delecious and very good for you.

Anyways, we also went to Kanazawa and saw the Castles and parks there. I will build a caslte some day...oh yes...I will build a caslte some day...... Well, I don't know how much time I have, but I will try to add as many pictures as I can. If I don't get them now, I will add them later. Hope you enjoy. (Oh yah, once again, please look at these pictures from the bottom'll make more sense and will corrispond to the oreder in which I took them) *grumbles at blogger's stupid uploading inability*

Ok, out of time for now, so this is the last picture. This is a part of a HUGE garden park that we went to in Kanazawa. It was quite beautifull. This lake is in fron't of one of thoes affore mentioned Japanese Tea houses. Imagine drinking tea, chilling out, looking at this scenery and contimplating life.....(like building a caslte).

This is the means of transportation I took to get to Nounetsu to meet up with Chung and Akira. Yup the ferry! It took 20 some odd hours...but it wasn't soo bad. My room was on the 5th floor and I had it all to myself. This thing was huge!!! didn't feel a single wave and it was quite smooth riding and fast. Also, it was easy to sleep on so the trip was pritty relaxing. It had a restraunt, and a indoor hotsprings, and even a Arcade room! I spend most of the time in what you might call 10 forward...the dining area with big windows facing the fron't of the ship. There I sat and listened to music, studied some Japanese and thought about where I am going to build my caslte someday.

Ok, so, I finally did it!! I rode a Shinkansen!! (bullet train) HOW COOL!!! Look at this dynamic picture. I had to set the camera on Ultra Super Meccha Yabaibe~ Ultrasonic fast mode to take this picture as these two bullets were traveling at speeds of 238729358.2 miles an hour. (I think they were racing eachother). .........Ok, I lied, in fact, I think this place was kind of like a Doughnut shop for cops......lots and lots of Bullet Trains just sit around this area not doing a whole lot except for looking cool...and they are very cool. I must buy a bullet train some day. It was like ......riding inside a fast cylindrical riding inside....A BULLET!! HOW COOL!!!!!

Ah yes Take Mori.......(bamboo forest) I will own one of these some day....oh yes.. Bamboo is sooo cool!! So, your wondering what I am doing right? Well, isn't it obvious, you've seen the know how NINJAS work, flying one bamboo to the next....I was defending myself of corse...they were attacking me from all sides..I was lucky to get the picture and get out with my life......(don't beleive me? I even have a shuriken that stuck into my leg while I was fending my way out).

Ok, this was at a restraunt we went to shortly before I left Fukuoka. Doesn't that food look soo pritty it really shines doesn't it?...well guess shines even more when it moves around on the plate....yah....MOVES around on the in, it isn't in...when you bite it, it's tenticles wrap around your tongue and try to stop themselves from going down your throught.......Anyways, it did taste good...even if it didn't want to be eaten.

Monday, March 06, 2006



Hello everyone, I`m in the middle of my vacation of visiting different cities, and world herritages. So, it is really hard for me to get on the computer. As such, I will probobly not add anything for a while. But, if I get the chance I will try to add what I can. In anycase, I have been taking a lot of pictures, and hopefully some of them turned out good :).