Thursday, January 04, 2007

Long time huh...

Hello everyone. I havn't added anything to my blog in a really long time. As most of you probobly know, I got in a really bad motorcycle accident and was in the hospital for about 3 months. But, I have healed really well, and am up and walking around. I'm not the most stable person when I'm standing up, but I do all right. Also, I am getting better every day so things are looking up I think. I have been taking things easy this year, taking a few classes and mainly focusing on rehab.

So, on the plus side, I have graduated from college and I am getting ready to go back to Japan. But, before I do that, it looks like I have to get some more surgery done, so I will probobly do that and then I will head back to Japan.

Anyways, hopefully I can start adding some pictures of Alaska and stuff. Well, hope all of you are doing well. Please write me if you get the chance. =^_^=


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